September Front Foot package



For Parents of Young Kids (Ages 4-8)
Is September always a bit of a mixed bag for you? You’re looking forward to some extra kid-free time and routine , but the thought of those chaotic mornings, the evening outbursts are already starting to niggle. 

Or perhaps your child - struggles with the endless firsts - new teacher, new class and you struggle to know how best to support them?

But what if this year could be different? What if, instead of dreading those first days back, you could approach them with calm, confidence, and even a sense of ease?
You're Not Alone
Let’s get one thing straight: big emotions or nerves are not a sign that you’re doing something wrong. I know it’s easy to believe that the cycle of meltdown, stress, repeat is just part of the deal. But that’s not the case.
What if it doesn't have to be?
The Real Challenge: You’re Missing the Right Tools

The real issue isn’t your parenting; it’s that you’ve never been taught what’s really behind those big emotions or nerves. 

Or what are the building blocks of confidence and resilience are to handle those ‘firsts’ or an everyday friendship challenge.

Just ‘telling’ them to calm down or not worry is unlikely to help. 

You want to teach them the tools but if you weren't taught yourself or don't have the child-free language to hand, it’s hard to pass this knowledge on to your child.
A Solution that Works - for You and Your Child
This is where the September Front Foot Package comes in.

I’m so excited to share this exclusive offer for September only.

I’ve put this program specifically for parents who are tired of feeling overwhelmed day to day and just want to start the school year with a sense of control and calm to lay the foundation for the rest of the year.

And set their child up for the school year with confidence, and emotional resilience.



Went from feeling like she did not know what she was doing when her son had a meltdown to feeling confident in her actions; and pride seeing her son head off to his room when he was upset and come downstairs came again and apologise.


Went from not knowing how to help her daughter to open up with problems at school to feeling confident in tools to help her daughter to talk about her emotions, and her daughter going on to teach her dad about all the things she’d learned about emotions.


Went from her son exhibiting lots of entitled behaviour, and not having a language to help her son during an outburst to these issues no longer being a problem through having language to repair and learn when a meltdown happened..


As a busy professional went from feeling like she did not have the time to learn the tools to help her daughter proactively build skills for confidence and resilience, to learning tools quickly which created daily conversations on gratitude, confidence etc

What’s Included in the September Front Foot Package?

90-Minute Coaching (2 x 45-Minute Sessions):

You’ll receive personalized coaching sessions tailored to your unique challenges with tools that allow you to look at your thoughts and beliefs around your challenges in parenting. 

These sessions, spaced one month apart, will give you the strategies you need to handle the toughest moments with ease. (First session must take place in September). 

This stuff is powerful. It’s so easy to just absorb our parenting expectations and norms from our own parents without challenging what is working for us and what isn’t.

Email Support:

Between sessions, I’ll be there for you with ongoing check-ins and support via email.


My transformative toolkits use story, science and practical mindset tools with the help of Mimi the Mermaid Scientist and the Sea-sure Gang to make learning bite-size and fun - perfect to replace a bedtime story or an afternoon on the Sofa.

Through my unique SAIL methodology you both experience..

Shared - tools and knowledge about beliefs, emotions and thoughts, putting you on a level playing field for the hard moments and building trust. Different to what the parenting books can give you.

Accessible - everything is broken down into 10 min bite-size chunks for everyday parenting. 

Integrated - I integrate the fun, language, tools and theory for you so you don’t have to. 

Lasting - you invest the time now to set your child up for life and to save so many hard moments, and big emotions or both feeling lost or dis-empowered.   

Why This Package is Different

My approach isn’t like anything you’ve tried before. It’s grounded in Vedic Wisdom, Neuroscience, and Mindset work, yet it’s simple and practical enough to apply in everyday life and both of you get the support you need with the coaching and parent deep-doves to accompany the playbooks. 

Here's what past coaching clients have to say:  

"Since completing the programme, I feel like a weight has been lifted. Shilpa’s programme has helped me understand myself so much more and has given me the tools to understand why I might be feeling like that and how to change my mindset from a negative one to a positive. I have found this hugely empowering. Shilpa has an amazing way of allowing you to connect with yourself on a much deeper level. Allowing you to question and truly try and understand your thoughts, emotions and behaviours. I would whole heartedly recommend this programme to anyone. The tools and advice that I have been equipped with have been life changing. "

Kirsty A 
Mum of 2

"I am more aware of my habits and thought processes, and how I am blocking myself. Shilpa makes you feel very supported and truly listens to you. It is a good way to discover your own thought processes that are holding you back, and getting advice on how to cope with and eventually change these habits. I would highly recommend Shilpa as a coach."

1:1 coaching client

"I found the challenging thoughts/feelings tools really useful, especially the framework provided to assist with becoming more conscious of thoughts. It has helped me to question what I’ve assumed about a situation and identify what is actually happening. I feel more calm and in control of my current situation. It’s also encouraged me to speak more openly with friends about how I’m feeling. Emphasised the importance of doing something for myself and the positive knock-on effect that this has for my ability to be present for my family."

Mel W
Mum of 3
September Front Foot package

For September only!

Total Value

  • Emotions toolkit: £147
  • Nervous toolkit: £97
  • Coaching call - 90 mins in total: £197

Total price: £441

Your price: £147

My expertise

  • I’m a Parent Coach and Mindset Expert, Writer and Creator with experience coaching 100's of parents over 10+ years in a group and individual setting.
  • My work and toolkits for kids are taught through the lens of Vedic Wisdom, Neuroscience and Mindset work and have featured in Netmums, Sunshine and other parent mags. Few other methodologies achieve such lasting impact in such a short space of time.

If you have any questions, email me at

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

  • Total payment
  • 1xSeptember Front Foot Package£147

All prices in GBP
