Do you wish you felt more empowered to help your child with their emotions?

The answer... a TOOLKIT for managing emotions for you and your child
(Ages 4-8)


Only £147


"I've seen a massive shift in a short space of time for both me and my son"

Son aged 6

"The course has been a game-changer in my relationship with my daughter"

Daughter aged 6

"The playbooks are so easy to understand that they have become part of our general conversation"

Daughter aged 6

"Aut dicta commodi nostrum quidem delectus molestiae ad et ex odit."

CEO / Founder
Are you tired of being on the treadmill of the daily grind of parenting?

*  Do you feel like you are going round in circles with daily emotional outbursts?

*  Does your child have a meltdown over the smallest thing?

*  Do you question what happened to those idyllic scenes of parenthood you used to imagine?

*  Is it important to you that you equip your child with the resilience and confidence to handle what life throws at them?
Imagine if you could feel more connected, confident and calm again...?

The reality is that our kids’ brains are still developing and outbursts are a normal part of growing up.

But when you know why they are happening, and what you can do about it - your child feels seen. You feel more empathy. And everyone feels calmer and happier.

If you feel yourself going round in circles, it because there is a knowledge gap. This stuff wasn't role-modelled to you. That’s why it feels overwhelming. But with a few simple tools you can feel empowered again.

That is what I can help you with. I give you the best possible set of tools to navigate these situations so that when they happen the impact is minimised, your child feels supported and they don't escalate. And you can feel in control of your own emotions.

The knowledge is out there now but it takes too long to read the books, and the worksheets don't work. And you can’t remember it in heat of the moment, right?

You don't have to stay in this space:


This simple digestible toolkit - aimed at you and your child (ages 4-8) - can equip you with the skills you need.

With only a 10 minute investment for 4 weeks.

Simple digestible knowledge and tools packaged up in 10 minute playbooks - to manage yourself and for your child to pick up new skills - can change how you feel. Quickly.

And watch your child grow in confidence knowing they have the tools to manage their big emotions.


Story, poems, drawing and discussion points that capture your child's imagination and attention (aimed at ages 4-8)

Use in your day-to-day life, including an easy 3-step strategy for dealing with tantrums 

Cheat's guide for you to give you a more in-depth overview

Designed to pack a punch, so you start seeing a difference even after 20-30 minutes

Hi, I'm Mimi the Mermaid Scientist

"Welcome to my mastermind on managing your emotions. We'll learn a lot of things together!"


Each module includes a bespoke Playbook to embed learning with easy to understand theory, story, poems, and activities to create connection. Designed to use either on-screen (use the draw function) or off-screen - printed off.

All topics taught through the eyes of Mimi the Mermaid Scientist and the Sea Sure gang - to bring creativity and fun to the theory. 

A cheat’s guide for the parents with a 10 minute audio, to give you the confidence you need to support your child's learning, with a common language

Visual/Audio/Video - any learning style -we’ve got you. All the information in one place.  'A perfect balance of theory, science and action


4 x Weekly 'Office Hour' Voxer Support and Accountability - ask questions, get accountability for the 4 week period.

Hi, I'm Shilpa

  • Fellow parent and mum to two lively girls age 9 and 6.

  • Transformational Mindset Coach (PG Cert in business and personal coaching) - and designed and run group coaching programmes for 10 years. 

  • Science Grad. 1000’s of hours investment in self-development learning, from neuroscience to ancient wisdom. 

  • Creator. Alchemist - I translate my love of science, spirituality and self-development theory into a language that kids (and adults) love.


ONE HOUR TO EMOTIONAL POWER guides you through 4 simple steps:

1) Prepare

Listen to the cheat's guide on your way to work or preparing dinner - 10 minutes to give you a head start and the confidence to support your child with the playbooks.

2) Pick your Moment

Eg replacing a bed-time story or Sunday afternoon on the sofa.

3) Press Play or Print

Watch the intro videos and print off the playbook or use on-screen the with draw function. 10 minutes of concentrated fun, connection and learning actionable tools.

4) Practice, Process, Play

Discuss and action the 1 or 2 strategies you've learned and notice the changes and new habits within 24 hours! Check in with me! Rinse and repeat with with week 2.

Course structure:

4 pack-a-punch modules


What are our emotions and why do they matter?

- learn why emotions are important

- 8 key emotions we all feel


Why don’t we feel happy all the time?

- learn why it would not be good to feel happy all the time

- learn what different emotions teach us


Mimi’s Science Lab

What is happening in the brain when a big emotion arrives?

- learn what happens in the brain when an emotion arrives

- learn why feeling tired and hungry affects our emotions


What should I do when my emotions arrive?

- learn an easy 3 step strategy for any big emotion

- learn easy steps to take to calm down when you feel a big emotion

Plus 4x weeks of 'Office Hours' with Shilpa


Shilpa responds to your questions on Thursdays 10-11am, so you get the most out of your playbooks

Plus bonuses!

BONUS MODULE FOR PARENTS: Audio on 3 powerful mindset shifts to manage yourself during a tantrum.

FREE ORIGINAL DOWNLOADABLE PRINT: 'What colour do you feel'? Print to use as a playful daily reminder in your home.

Ready to sign up?


Try it out for 30 days.

If you are unhappy, return all 4 playbooks with exercises complete to for a full refund.


If you don't find your answer here, please email your question to

  • Can I get a refund if this doesn't work for me?
    Yes, there is a 30-day money-back guarantee. You do have to have completed the exercises in each playbook to show you've given it a try. Send your completed playbooks to and we will take care of the rest for you.
  • I’m overwhelmed already, and this feels like another thing for the to do list
    I get it. As a parent, I know how much pressure there is on you already and I get your never-ending to-do list.

    It’s why I designed the materials to be maximum benefit for minimum investment. I’m promising 10-15 minutes a week for a month. And they have been 2 years in development and testing.

    But I can’t let you off the hook. Change won’t happen without some time investment.

    In the same way if we want to be healthier or calmer - we exercise or meditate. You’ll need to invest 15 minutes a week for a month.

    But the benefits are huge. Think of all the time saved feeling helpless during those tantrums (let’s say 3 hours a week - that’s 12 hours a month).
    And think of all the worry saved in the years to come, knowing and seeing your child’s confidence and resilience will increase to handle the stuff life will throw at them.

    But choose your time and replace a different activity you do anyway eg - do the playbook instead of a bedtime story or a board game on a Sunday.

    And I promise (see money-back guarantee) that you will see changes within the month.
  • Do I need to be tech savvy to do the course? I've never used an online learning platform.
    In short, no! I picked Thrivecart as the course portal because it is super simple and easy to use. If I (me -technophobe) can handle it, I’m really confident you’ll find it easy to use to.

    At the start of the course, there is a short ‘how to’ guide video on how to use the platform.

    And if you still have any problems or questions email us as
  • Do I need prior knowledge to do this course with my child?
    I’ve put these materials together not assuming any prior knowledge. And it’s why every course includes a ‘cheat’s guide' for parents. I want to give you enough of a head-start on your little one to give you the confidence to sound like you know what you are talking about - but not so much information that I overwhelm you! The feedback I’ve had on the intro audios has been great, so I’m confident you’ll enjoy them too.

    This is a unique learning journey you can go on together giving you a common language and toolkit.
  • Is it possible to achieve change in One Hour?
    Yes - I really believe so and the testimonials show this too! A lot of the time the theories aren't complicated, but you've not learned them together so you are not on the same page. Eg you've read something in a book or your child has learned something in school.
    Each playbook is packed with actionable tips, theory and takeaways - so that you learn together and help each other remember what to do in those heated moments.
  • How does the Voxer 'Office Hour' work?
    Voxer is an app that allows you to exchange voice and text messages with someone else. You download it on your phone, or use it in your browser with your computer.

    It’s pretty much like WhatsApp, except you don’t need to share your phone number and people can’t see when you’re online.

    You can leave your message on Voxer or if you prefer use the email - and once a week 10-11am GMT on Thursday I'll respond to messages.

    The Voxer hour aims to offer you additional support, guidance, and accountability connected to the use of the materials and questions regarding the materials.
  • When is the right time to invest in this course?
    If you child is 4-8 or a bit older or younger, then go for it!

    Teaching your child these skills now gives them the mindset and habits which will set them up for the rest of their lives.

    Imagine if you had grown up with these tools... Think how much angst it could have saved you. This is the gift you are able to give your child.
  • How does this differ to a book? Is this better than a parenting book?
    Yes! Parenting books are aimed at you, and I bet you can never remember them in the heat of the moment? Or are they still sat on your shelf unread?

    I have poured over 20 years of learning in science and self-development into these products and translated this learning into a language that your child will understand, so that you don't have to.

    I’ve also spent two years designing and testing these products with parent feedback to ensure maximum impact for minimum time. These products are unique - no other materials take both you and your child on a learning journey. For the price of one therapy session, you are gaining a toolkit that your child will still be using in 20 years time.

    These materials have been thoughtfully designed with language for you (in the cheat's guide) and your child (in the playbooks) so that you can both go on a learning journey together and end up with a common language and toolkit.
  • What is a 'Playbook'?
    The playbooks are digital downloadable books - 8-10 pages long that can be used on screen (with a draw function) or printed off. They contain the content for each of the 4 modules, with digestible theory, story, poems, drawing and other activities. All material is taught through the eyes of Mimi the Mermaid Scientist and Finn the Fish. Kids (and adults) love them - check out the testimonials!
  • The suggested age range is 4-8 but my child is older/younger?
    Although the course materials have been designed mainly with 4 to 8-year-olds in mind, I truly believe that all the wisdom and learning is timeless. Us grown-ups continue to learn these lessons too.

    Everything in the course has also been designed with simplicity and flexibility in mind so you can draw what you need from each playbook regardless of if your child is slightly older or younger.

    Your child will also take different things from the playbooks as they get more familiar with each topic.
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